Counting Yourself

Counting days when you are young is often exciting. You count down to your birthday or the end of school. If you are experiencing infertility, you have likely counted days too and it was probably not so enjoyable. Days until ovulation, days after ovulation, days until a test, days waiting for results. Then there are […]

Being Redeemed from Infertility

On first glance Passover has nothing to do with (in)fertility. It’s about slavery in Egypt, God’s redemption, and the passage through the desert to join in covenant with God. On the other hand, (in)fertility is all over this holiday! How can anyone miss it? In addition to imposing hard labor, which is then made harder, […]

Hasidah’s First Newsletter – High Holiday Message

Read the first Hasidah newsletter featuring Hasidah’s first grant awarded, the first National Jewish Infertility Network teleconference,  the Double Chai Campaign, and a High Holiday message about infertility.